Shyam charan dube biography books

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Shyama Charan Dube () (25 July – 4 February ) was an Indian anthropologist, sociologist, and former president of the Indian Sociological Society from to See more.

shyam charan dube biography books

Shyam charan dube biography books

He wrote three books during this period-Modernization and Development: The Search for Alternative Paradigms (McGraw Hills, New York,); Explanation and .

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Modernization and Development In Search for Alternative Paradigms by Shyama Charan Dube Paperback, Pages, Published by United Nations Univ/Zed Books ISBN .
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India's Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development by Shyama Charan "S C" Dube () and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at .