Major alexander de seversky aircraft
Tank buster plane
Alexander Nikolaievich Prokofiev de Seversky (Russian: Алекса́ндр Никола́евич Проко́фьев-Се́верский) (June 7, (N.S.) – August 24, ) was a Russian-American aviation pioneer, inventor, and influential advocate of strategic air power.
Seversky at-12
Aviation pioneer, Alexander Nikolaivich Prokofiev de Seversky, a Russian émigré to the United States after the Bolshevik revolution of , founded Seversky Aircraft Corporation in .
Seversky p-35
Major De Seversky's Ion-Propelled Aircraft.
P-44 plane
Major Alexander de Seversky at the controls of the SEV-1XP over Manhattan in As the later half of the ’s crept by, the obvious increase in tensions in Europe and Japan’s war with .